Danish Christmas Hearts - Julehjerter


Hello! My name is Daniel Creager and I've had the pleasure of being married to my Inge for over 40 years. Inge is a pure-blood dane and we lived together in Copenhagen for just short of a year in 1979/80. During which time I had the opportunity to experience Danish culture, up close and personal. Of all of my memories of that time, Christmas 1979 was a real highlight. One of those memories was an afternoon we spent in December making Julehjerter.

The creation of home-made Christmas decorations is a long standing tradition in Denmark. It is an integral part of the time leading up to the holiday during which families set down to the dinner table to "klip og klister" which is Danish for "Cut out and Glue" and for us that meant to make Christmas tree decorations. One of the favorite decorations is a Heart wolven together from red and white glossy paper and hung on the tree.

Families save patterns from year to year and discover new ones from magazines and library books. All it takes is some glossy red and white paper, a few pair of scissors, some glue and the willingness to exercise you patience and spend a few hours together fostering the holiday mood.

Once the Hearts are ready, they are used to adorn the Christmas Tree as well as in other decorative locations around the house. Remind everyone to sign and date the inside of the hearts as they will probablyl become treasured keepsakes for years to come.

This document will provide you with some patterns however if you would like more detailed instructions multiple tutorials are available on-line via YouTube.com here is a link to one of them. ( Tutorial on Making Christmas Hearts)

These pattern can be used as traditional patterns from which you can cut your own hearts. However, if you happen to own a machine that can cut out patterns from an SVG file, you are in luck. These patterns can be uploaded into a Cricut, Brother or any other type of machine that accepts SVG file input. This means you can skip the cutting out and go directly to the fun part, weaving the Christmas Hearts!

A quick note about using the following patterns. For each pattern there are two links correspondingly labeled View and Download. The u>View link will show you a more detailed view of the pattern. If this view were to be downloaded it cannot be uploaded to Cricut. Cricut would consider it invalid and refuse to upload it. You must use the Download link to get a version of the pattern that can be successfully uploaded into Cricut.

Basic Patterns

These patterns are perfect for those who are just starting out. They are also good choices for introducing children to the joys of weaving Christmas hearts.



Intermediate Patterns

These patterns are conceptually easy but require a bit more manual dexterity.





Advanced Patterns

These patterns are both mentally and physically challenging. Only recommended for experienced weavers.



Pattern Templates

These are pattern templates and intended ONLY for individuals who are technically proficient with writing SVGs from scratch, which is to say without the use of an application to generate the coding from graphic input.

Single Sided Template

Double Sided Template